
3 ways to create better content

Good content is the crux of any good campaign. Where your building off of your social, SEO, or PPC good content is going to drive traffic to your site. Interesting and helpful information is a good way to get reliable sources to share your content. These is a way to spread across your networks and build upon your inbound marketing. Getting back linked, ending up in searches all come from having good content so I've developed a few pointers on developing content for your brand. ' 1. Look at the leaders in your industry: Odds are that people are producing meaningful data in your industry. Keeping tabs on what people are sharing and talking about is a good way to tailor your content around. Make searches in your industry around industry specific keywords and you will have something to start from. 2. Make emotional content : people more easily remember facts, figures, and past situations in which they had a strong emotional experience. Remember to tie your audience in with some...

Metric improvments

I wanted to take a moment and write down everything Emily Bono and I completed as Interns at MounitanPass for the past 3 months. I had a great experience with the MountainPass team and got to know a lot of the employees very well. We started off compiling all their platforms onto on dashboard so that we could track all of their traffic. They were currently using Mailchimp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Their website via Google analytics, and survey monkey. All their social media had no posts and few followers outside of the company’s employees. This made thing difficult to drive traffic because we were building everything from scratch. The advantage to this was there was only one way to go. We started off by building their twitter and followed higher education groups. We began posting twice a day for two days a week while we worked on other projects such as building content for their blog, fixing bugs in their Google analytics profile, and setting up Moz to improve SEO. Facebo...

Inbound and Outbound Marketing

At MountainPass we talk a lot about Inbound and Outbound marketing. Originally I thought this just revolved around pushing content out and In but Inbound and Outbound marketing have a lot of variables. I wanted to talk about the difference between the two and how digital marketers can utilize them both to drive online traffic. Inbound marketing involves using tactics that help potential customers find your brand. In other words, you’re not expending energy and resources sending marketing messages out to people who may not even be interested in your what you have to offer. Instead, your focus is on strategies that attract customers into your website. That means creating great content, posting on social media, optimizing your site and content for SEO. Tracking you traffic and improving on it is a great way to optimize traffic to your site. Resources like Google analytics, Moz, and Hubspot can be great inbound marketing tools to optimize inbound marketing. Outbound marketing is what...

My last day at MountainPass

My last day of MountainPass we generated a list of leads to follow up on after we left. During my time at mountain Pass we targeted the end users of are products, primarily being universities. During our last days we changed focus to look at consulting and educational software. The benefit of connecting with someone as a partner is you can gather large amounts of leads with one connection. Another direction is to look for educational software that we can integrate with our software. some of the best resources I used was reaching out to large professional groups as well as Oracle partners.

5 ways to Improve your CTR in Adwords

Improving your AdWords campaigns their are a lot a ways to improve your click through rate and impressions on AdWords. I've compressed a list of 5 easy ways you can improve your CTR instantly. 1. Simplicity is key: Make sure your ad group structure is well organized and follows a common theme. Ad groups should follow one common theme and not try to tackle more than one topic. 2. Specificity: the more specific you can be on a topic the more likely your going to reach the personas your targeting. The problem with broad match is that Google will show your ad to searches related to your keywords, and what Google considers related might vary. make sure to take a look at your search terms that have good key performance indicators, and add them as keywords in more restrictive match types such as phrase, exact, or even broad match modifier. 3. Use Negative keywords: Using negative keywords will not only improve you CTR but it will also save you important adve...

10 things to include in your Editorial calendar

An editorial calendar is a to do list for months on end for your content. How in depth you go, depends on you and your goals, but the more detailed it is the more efficient it can become. Automation tools and scheduling your social post can make the entire process easier. Tools like Hootsuite or Buffer can help save hours of posting time as well as timing the posts so that they are consistent. Timing posts at the same time allows you to test and monitor your results with a structured methodological approach. Here are 10 things you should put in your editorial calendar to ensure a successful content push: Post Date Author (if you’re not the sole author) Working Title (or at least a descriptive idea to the content) Publication location (is this a post for your blog, a guest blog, etc.) Status Category Tags Keywords Call to Action (Is there a specific and measurable action you want to see from this topic) Notes 

3 ways grab recruiters attention

At Spark this week we had a lot of people come and talk to us about how to maximize you profiles in order to get a job. LinkedIn, Resumes, Job sites, and classic networking all came up. I complied everything into a 5 easy ways to get on recruiters radar. 1. Keywords: keywords are essential to getting the attention of hiring professionals. "You have three seconds to convince me that on paper you match what I’m looking for and what I’m hiring for" Jasmine Burns told us, a recruiter at Duo security. Making sure you appear in their searches by having the necessary keywords is...Key. 2. Tailor your resume: make sure to look up the job descriptions to the companies your applying to and connect the dots on both your resume and LinkedIn profile for what the employer is seeking. You must understand what skills are applicable to the position. 3. Build out your LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn is your walking resume so you should utilize everything you can to appear on recruiters se...